RHI and Focus on Energy, a Winning Combination

Get $1,200 to $1,800 back instantly!

Start saving money today with an energy assessment and instant discounts. Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy program offers instant discounts for air sealing and adding insulation. Racine Home Insulators, LLC (RHI) complies with this program and uses only the best materials and methods. RHI has been participating in this program as a “Trade Ally” since 2009.

The program is funded by our local utility companies through a special tax we are assessed each month on our utility bill. So trust that these savings, up to $1,800, are real. You have been paying into this program for years, so why not get some of your money back?

Homeowners that want insulation and other weatherization improvements in Racine, Kenosha, Walworth, and the greater Milwaukee area will be credited these discounts upfront. That is correct, we wait for the discount, not you.


All homeowners, tenants, and landlords qualify for the “Standard” discounts listed above. Some homeowners and tenants will qualify for the greater discounts listed under the “Income-Qualified” column if their income is at or below the value listed below based on their household size. See this link for details or call/text us today at 262-989-8299.


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