Racine has a lot of homes with vermiculite insulation in the attic. Almost all vermiculite insulation contains asbestos and can only be handled by a licensed asbestos abatement company. We recently removed and replaced asbestos containing vermiculite insulation from a home on Gillen St. in Racine, WI. This 1,050 sf attic had a walk-up stairs with a lot of junk the home owner wanted thrown out. It also had floor boards that had to be removed so the vermiculite insulation underneath could be accessed. This batted material was draped over the tops of the joists. The vermiculite insulation also accumulated where it sagged downward. Like most attics there was also some scattered fiberglass batting.

Here you can see the fiberglass batting, floor boards, and loose vermiculite that needs to be removed.

Remove Vermiculite by Vacuum Method Only
Loose vermiculite should only be removed by vacuum method. Vermiculite should never be disturbed by shoveling or pushing it into bags. Ask your contractor if they will be bagging any of the material. Do not accept bids where employees will push vermiculite into bags. If they do it will releas trillions of asbestos fibers into the air. Asbestos fiber sin the air will put the employees and the home’s occupants at risk.

Once the attic is free of all materials and safe the insulation crew from Racine Home Insulators, LLC can begin to do their work. We begin by air sealing all of the bypasses (leaks) between the living space and the attic. Air sealing is accomplished by injecting polyurethane foam sealants into the openings and gaps in the attic floor.

We added 15″ of loose blown cellulose that can’t burn or mold because of the added borate fire retardant. We only use industry best cellulose made by Weather Blanket (Champion Insulation) in Fond du Lac, WI. After a few years the cellulose will settle to 13-14.” to provide a thermal barrier of R50.

How Much Does it Cost?
This home is now one of the most energy efficient attics in the neighborhood. The owner saved over $6,300 by participating in Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy program and the Zonolite Attic Insulation Trust. Racine Home Insulators, LLC offers these reimbursements as upfront discounts so our customers do not have to wait the 12-16 weeks it takes to receive them. As a result, the owner paid approximately $4,500 for all of the work described above. All paperwork was handled by Racine Home Insulators, LLC. If you have vermiculite, or an old attic that needs updating give Matt, owner of Racine Home Insulators, LLC a call or text today at 262-989-8299.